USO Gaming

Through USO Gaming, service members can forge bonds with fellow service members, stay connected to loved ones back home and take time to recharge through the simple act of playing a video game. Research shows that gaming can help service members in everything from improving teamwork to battling mental illness, making this program crucial to the wellness and morale of our nation’s military.

USO Gaming Centers are outfitted with top-of-the-line screens and consoles, designed specifically so that groups of service members can play games – and bond – together. Meanwhile, USO Gaming Tournaments allow service members to build relationships with other gamers, keep in touch with friends and family, or even just remain connected to life beyond the military, all of which helps ease the isolation that many service members face on deployment or at remote duty stations.

For many of our service members, the escapism of video games can allow them to forget – just for a moment – the stress and responsibility of their daily missions. In the midst of life on the front lines, your support of USO Gaming helps provide our military with a moment of normalcy and a brief respite from the pressure of their service to this nation.

Visit USO Gaming at for more information.

Upcoming Events

  1. 29P: BINGO night 

    Bldg 693 Del Valle Dr. Suite 107 Twentynine Palms, CA 92278 United States

    Join us for a BINGO night at the Family Service Center! We will provide dinner, music & giveaways for the winners. Register everyone needing a seat (no need to register babies).

    Apr 18th, 2025 5:30 PM PDT (1730T)


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