Our History


Just prior to the onset of America’s involvement in World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to unite several service associations into one organization to lift the morale of our military and nourish support on the home front. Those entities – the Salvation Army, Young Men’s Christian Association, Young Women’s Christian Association, National Catholic Community Services, National Travelers Aid Association and the National Jewish Welfare Board - became the United Service Organizations or, the USO.

Today, the USO has continued to support our nation’s military and their families for over seven decades as they defend our country and its freedoms. By providing support to our servicemen and women as they perform their most challenging duties around the world, our credo is to be always by their side.

The reach of the USO’s more than 250 centers extends to countries on every continent, operated by thousands of staff and volunteers whose goals are to match our service members’ vigilance and provide best-in-class service to those who sacrifice so much for America.

About USO California

USO California operates within the third largest state in the nation and aims to reach over 100,000 U.S. Armed Forces personnel and their families stationed across the state, the highest concentration of any state. Our centers, which are visited more than 140,000 times per year, provide a warm and comforting place for service members to connect with loved ones and enjoy the comforts of home. Similarly, USO programs focus on connection, strengthening, wellness and resiliency. Overall, USO California delivered 420,000 total service connections in 2024 not only at our center locations but also across the state in the most remote locations like the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) in Twentynine Palms, Fort Irwin, Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport and much more. No matter where their journey takes them, USO volunteers and staff are always by their side.